Learn how Instabot works
Watch the introduction video below to learn more about Instabot

In short, Instabot is an Instagram account that can be linked to our system, acting the real user on Instagram. It scrapes posts from the explore page to collect useful data or information for our needs. A large data library is collectively built in our system by all Instabot, allowing users to access not only their personal niche but also other areas that our users have already set up with Instabot.
What should my Instabot follow?
Depends on your niche or usage, user can customize what sort of account you follow on instagram
For an example, you are a foodie, you want to do a comeptitor analysis, you can use tht instabot to follow all other foodie competitor on instagram, so that our dashboard feature will give you insight on the posts activity from your compeitor last 3/7 days
for an example, you are a photographer and you already take some photos and want to post on instagram, you want to know what kind of keyword or hashtag is hit and can bring organic traffic to your post and make it popular, your instabot can follow all account realted to photography
Pair account with Instabot
Before you begin, make sure your Instagram account has not use before
Click Create New Account button
Go to ACCOUNT under the navigation bar
Click Create New Account button
Input your Instagram account
Input your Instagram account password and check the terms and conditions box
Click Save button
Successfully added account will be shown on Accounts Table
💡Remember to open an blank Instagram account as a bot, added into Creato Lens
Published Date: 27 July 2024